How to Run Great Meetings at Your Startup ⭐ - AmazoUpdates


Sunday, October 25, 2020

How to Run Great Meetings at Your Startup ⭐

Do you suffer from meeting overload? Here are five ideas that can improve the quality and quantity of the meetings you hold with your team.

Implementing and improving your meetings with the team might sound like a heavy time investment. However, while they can take up 20% of your time, they represent 80% of your leverage as a leader. After all, your results depend on other people.

Learn the 5 meetings system (7 mins)…

‘Designing the alliance’ is a coaching technique that establishes ground rules upfront to keep everyone on the same page. What’s the twist? Well, rather than state ‘how it’s gonna be’, you ask questions instead:
1. What will we commit to so we all get the most out of this meeting?
2. Do I have your permission to hold you to these commitments?
3. How would you like me to do that?

Learn to manage tough meetings (3 mins)…

Cutting Scrum meetings to save time is like taking the engine out of a car to make it lighter — rather than speed things up, everything quickly grinds to a halt. The whole point of story time, the sprint review and the retrospective — the meetings most commonly missed by dev teams — is to allow you to increase your speed over time. Agile isn’t just about speed — it’s about learning how to accelerate.

Learn which meetings can help you go faster (6 mins)…

Good reporting does more than inform your team about what’s happening in the business; it also focuses their attention on what’s important. As leaders, it’s our job to reiterate this as much as possible, to keep the team focused on the right things.

Learn how to run reporting meeting (5 mins)…

Retrospectives are simple to run. They’re regular meetings to discuss what’s going well, what’s not going well, and how to improve as a team. But the effects can be transformative. People leave feeling appreciated, listened to, and understood, in a way that one-on-one feedback can’t achieve.

Learn how to run better retros (5 mins)…

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Best wishes,

How to Run Great Meetings at Your Startup ⭐ was originally published in The Founder Coach on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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