Every Leader Should Learn the Art of Engaging Groups - AmazoUpdates


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Every Leader Should Learn the Art of Engaging Groups

How workshop design can transform your group meetings.

Workshops may seem like something only a professional trainer needs to worry about. However, the ability to run an effective workshop is a major asset to senior leaders.

There are many reasons to give a long presentation. Perhaps you’re unveiling a new strategy, onboarding a new recruit, or leading a discussion about culture with your leadership team. The problem is that long presentations tend to suck the oxygen out of a room.

On the other hand, a good workshop can leave people energised and excited, offering them an opportunity to participate, as well as receiving information.

How to Design an Effective Workshop

It takes more than sticky notes and coloured pens to make a great workshop. In The Workshop Survival Guide, Rob Fitzpatrick and Devin Hunt provide three simple principles to design powerful workshops.

Continue reading . . .

Every Leader Should Learn the Art of Engaging Groups 🌟 was originally published in The Founder Coach on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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