Copywriter Salary: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, & Monthly Rates (2024) - AmazoUpdates


Friday, August 23, 2024

Copywriter Salary: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, & Monthly Rates (2024)

As a freelance writer, I’ve had to do a ton of research about copywriting rates. And let me tell you — there’s a lot to uncover.

So whether you want to try your hand at freelancing, or you’re looking for an in-house position, this guide will cover everything you need to know about getting paid as a copywriter.

We’ll take a look at hourly, monthly, and even weekly rates.

Ready to talk money?

Let’s get started.

What is a Copywriter?

A copywriter crafts persuasive, engaging content that leads a reader to action (Usually to buy a product or sign up for an email list).

When was the last time you bought something online? That sales page you read before you pushed the “buy” button? That’s copywriting.

The product descriptions you read on an ecommerce site? That’s copywriting.

The speech you heard a presidential candidate give at a rally? You guessed it…copywriting.

Copywriters work for marketing agencies, businesses, entrepreneurs and even non-profit or government organizations.

They can be hired on a contractual basis (freelance) or work full or part-time for a company.

Type of copywriting include:

  • Sales copy
  • Product descriptions
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Web copy
  • Blogging
  • Email marketing
  • Technical writing
  • And more…

So as you can see, copywriting comes in a lot of different forms, and copywriters work for a lot of different businesses. So how much they earn depends on a variety of factors.

Now that you know what a copywriter does, let’s dig a bit deeper into the money side of it.

How Much Do Copywriters Make?

how much?

A copywriter’s salary can be influenced by a constellation of factors such as their experience level, chosen niche, and geographical location.

Data from Payscale indicates that, as of 2024, the average copywriter salary in the United States hovers around $59,165 annually.

But remember, this figure is simply an average salary. An entry level copywriter (or junior copywriter) could earn significantly less than a senior copywriter with 20+ years of experience.

Depending on the particulars of their work, copywriters could see quite a range in their income.

On an hourly basis, for instance, copywriters could earn anywhere from $16 to a whopping $57 or even more!

When we stretch these figures to a weekly scale, a full-time copywriter putting in a standard 40-hour workweek might pocket anywhere between $600 to $2,000.

Scale it up monthly, and we’re venturing into the territory of $2,400 to an impressive $8,000.

These copywriter salaries may seem broad but remember they’re not random.

They hinge heavily on the variables we discussed earlier, as well as the particularities of each copywriter’s situation.

For instance, a copywriter with a specialized skill set — say, someone who can write compelling copy for the highly technical biotech industry — might command a much higher rate than someone who writes more generalized content.

And geography plays a role too.

Copywriters in high-cost-of-living cities like New York or San Francisco may charge more than their counterparts in smaller, less expensive areas.

But the beauty of copywriting is its potential for remote work.

You could be sipping coffee in a small Midwestern town, crafting compelling copy for a client based in Silicon Valley.

Lastly, don’t forget the potential for bonuses and benefits if you’re in a salaried position.

Many companies value their wordsmiths, offering perks such as profit sharing, healthcare benefits, retirement plans, and more, which can add a substantial amount to your overall compensation.

What About Freelance Copywriters?

Venturing into the world of freelance copywriting? Freelancing is a whole different ballgame.

As a freelance copywriter, you have the liberty to set your own rates. You could charge by the project, by the hour, or even a monthly retainer fee.

The exciting part?

Some seasoned freelancers rake in well over $50 per hour!

But remember, freelancing isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It comes with its share of uncertainties and fluctuations in income.

The upside?

You’re your own boss, with the flexibility to choose your clients and projects.

To learn more, check out Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024.

How Can You Increase Your Copywriter Salary?

Earning potential doesn’t need to hit a ceiling in copywriting. Here are some proven tips to enhance your copywriting income…

1. Specialize

The more specific your field of expertise, the higher the demand and lower the competition.

Let’s say you’ve developed a knack for creating high-quality content for the healthcare sector, or you’ve mastered the art of demystifying complex technology jargon.

This niche proficiency sets you apart from the crowd of “generalized” writers.

For example, if you specialize in pharmaceutical copywriting, you can target healthcare businesses, who are likely willing to pay a premium for your specialized knowledge.

2. Master SEO

Online visibility for businesses is more important than ever. So understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is another skill that can give you an edge over competition.

Incorporating keywords, meta descriptions, and quality backlinks into your copy can significantly boost a webpage’s ranking on search engines like Google.

With this skill, you’re not just selling writing services but offering a solution for better digital traction.

This increases the value of your work and enables you to charge more.

3. Build a Robust Portfolio

Your portfolio showcases your talent and versatility as a copywriter.

Use it to feature a range of your best work across different niches or highlight your stellar pieces from a specialized field. This tangible testament to your skills can attract higher-paying clients.

Consider building a personal website or using platforms like LinkedIn or Contently to host your portfolio.

Pro tip: It’s not just about quantity; prioritize quality and keep updating your portfolio with your latest, greatest work.

4. Network & Negotiate

Connections can lead to exciting opportunities. Attend industry events, join online communities, and reach out to potential clients.

LinkedIn, for instance, is an excellent platform for establishing professional connections.

When it comes to negotiations, don’t undervalue your work.

Research industry rates, understand the value you bring to the table, and don’t shy away from discussing money matters. If you bring $10,000 worth of business to a client, charging $1,000 isn’t exorbitant — it’s fair.

5. Continual Learning

The world of copywriting is dynamic and fast-paced. Keeping up with industry trends, evolving algorithms, and emerging platforms can elevate your worth as a copywriter.

Enroll in online courses, attend webinars, or subscribe to industry-leading blogs to keep your knowledge sharp.

Sites like Coursera, Skillshare, or Smart Blogger can be excellent resources. Learning more about your client’s industry can also give you a competitive edge.

Remember, knowledge isn’t just power — it’s potential income.

Ready to Enhance Your Copywriter Salary?

picture of copywriting sales

Hopefully this post has helped you better understand what to expect from a Copywriter salary.

You’ve learned that your income potential is shaped by your experience, skills, and the market’s demand for your particular brand of copy magic. 

So keep honing your skills, diversifying your portfolio and go after that next big client.

Pretty soon, you’ll see the dollars start rolling in!

The post Copywriter Salary: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, & Monthly Rates (2024) appeared first on Smart Blogger.

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