30+ Freelance Comedy Writing Jobs: Get Paid for Being Funny - AmazoUpdates


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30+ Freelance Comedy Writing Jobs: Get Paid for Being Funny

Do you scour the internet looking for awesome comedy writing jobs to exercise your funny bone?

Does comedy writing flow through your veins?

Do you struggle to find the right freelance writing jobs?

If you’re a comedy writer, you’re in luck because we’ve got exactly what you’re looking for.

So, grab a cup of coffee, read our epic list, select the jobs that sound interesting, and write your pitch.

You’ll be making people laugh and cashing checks in no time.

Where to Pitch Your Comedy Writing Talents

If you’re a freelance writer or content writer with a knack for making those around you lose control of their bodily functions in a fit of laughter, then you’re going to love our list of comedy writing jobs.

So if it’s time to take your talents to the next level by showing the world your comedic freelance writing skills, this list is the place to start.

1. Barrelhouse


If you are passionate about writing and enjoy good literature and laughs, then Barrelhouse may be for you.

Barrelhouse began as an idea between writers in the back room of a bar in 2004, and is now a print and online literary magazine that seeks to “bridge the gap between high-brow literary tastes and the mid-brow appreciation of daily joys like good music, bad television, and a decent hot dog.”

Interested? Check out their submission info.

Rates: $50.

Length: Typically under 8,000 words.

2. Brain, Child


Are you a mother who has something to say? Then check out Brain, Child: The Magazine for Thinking Mothers.

Founded in 2000, Brain, Child is still often touted as “The New Yorker for Mothers,” with an unwavering mission to provide mothers from all different backgrounds, situations, and experiences with insight into real issues.

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: Varies

Length: 1,500 – 4,500 words.

3. Chicken Soup for the Soul


Do you want to write inspirational, heartwarming, or funny stories about personal experiences? Look no further than Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Their goal is to share happiness, inspiration, and hope through books, podcasts, educational programs, and more.

Interested? Check out their submission and story guidelines.

Rates: $250.

Length: 1,200 words or fewer.

4. Cracked


Cracked is the often satirical, always hilarious website (that used to be a monthly magazine), with list-posts, photo captions, pictofacts, articles, and more.

If you’ve had the pleasure of lol’ing along with Cracked, then you know what a treat it would be to write for them.

Interested? Find their submission guidelines here.

Rates: Generally $100 – $250.

Length: Varies by assignment.

5. Country


Did you grow up in a small town? Do you enjoy getting out of the city and to the ‘burbs every chance you get? Or maybe you live in the country and love everything about it.

If that sounds like you, why not write for…well…Country.

“If you love traveling back roads, exploring small towns and being in the outdoors, then Country is for you.”

Interested? Check out their contributor guidelines.

Rates: N/A

Length: 400-500 words.

6. Defenestration


Do you want to write humorous poetry, short stories, or nonfiction (or even fake nonfiction)? How about creating hilarious visuals?

Then check out Defenestration, a “Literary Magazine Dedicated to Humor,” that was involved in the Martian Wars of 2005, and whose life story was the foundation for the movie The Dark Knight.

Interested? Read their submission guidelines thoroughly.

Rates: Not a paying market.

Length: Less than 2,000 (nonfiction) or 4,000 (short story/poetry) words.

7. Funds for Writers


Are you passionate about earning a living as a writer? Would like to help others do the same? Then check out Funds for Writers, a free weekly newsletter packed to the brim with tips and tools for people who want to advance their writing careers.

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: $25 – $75.

Length: 550 – 650 words.

8. Funny Times


Funny Times is a newspaper that started in 1985. They’re now a print magazine that loves to be laughed at by delivering (to your doorstep) a magazine with more than 100 cartoons and stories every month.

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: $30 and up.

Length: 500-700 words.

9. Guide


If you like writing nonfiction stories about religious topics and helping children (ages 10-14) to understand religion, biblical principles, and how it can all make a positive difference in their lives, then take a look at Guide.

Guide publishes a 32-page, full-color magazine each week.

Interested? Guide writer’s guidelines.

Rates: 7 – 10 cents per word.

Length: 450 words and up.

10. HelloGiggles


Geared toward millennial women, HelloGiggles provides a motivating and empowering place to share stories, personal essays, and more on the topics of beauty, fashion, lifestyle, love, and entertainment.

If you want to be part of a positive community and contribute to it by providing advice, breaking news, and personal stories, look no further than HelloGiggles.

Interested? Learn more about HelloGiggles.

Rates: N/A.

Length: N/A.

11. Imperfect Parent


Let’s face it, we could all learn a thing or two about being a parent, whether we’ve been there or not.

Or maybe you’re one of the few perfect parents out there, in which case, even more of a reason to write for Imperfect Parent.

Imperfect Parent wants writing from a parent’s perspective that makes people think and laugh.

Interested? Take a look at their submission guidelines.

Rates: $5 and up for short pieces, $25 and up for longer pieces.

Length: 300 – 3,000 words.

12. Jerry Jazz Musician


History. Culture. Community. Jazz. Jerry Jazz Musician.

It all goes together like Disney and happily ever after.

If you have a heavy interest in Jazz, and you want to write about it, its culture, and its history, then Jerry Jazz Musician is your cup of tea. You can write fiction, nonfiction, and essays, and even submit poetry, art, and photography.

Interested? Here’s how to submit your work.

Rates: Submissions are “done so without compensation to the artist.” (Short Fiction Contest winners receive $100.)

Length: No more than 5,000 words.

13. Listverse


Who doesn’t love a good top 10 list? Listverse is the place to go for credible and entertaining top 10 lists since it was founded in 2009.

They take their top 10 lists seriously, but are always looking for great submissions from talented writers just like you.

Interested? Here’s how to write & get paid.

Rates: $100.

Length: List of 10 items minimum, one or two paragraphs per item.

14. McSweeney’s


McSweeney’s is known for their daily humor website (almost every day since 1998) and Quarterly Concern, their quarterly newsletter.

McSweeney’s “exists to champion ambitious and inspired new writing, and to challenge conventional expectations about where it’s found, how it looks, and who participates.”

Interested? Their guidelines for quarterly submissions and website submissions.

Rates: Fluctuate.

Length: For website submissions, no more than 1,200 words.

15. Mother.ly


Children are easy, right? Of course, they are. None of us need a dose of advice, inspirational stories, wisdom, and more, from those who have been there before…right?

On second thought, maybe we do.

And if you’re able to give that kind of advice, maybe with a small side of humor,

Mother.ly may be the writing gig for you.

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: N/A.

Length: 700 – 900 words.

16. The New Yorker


Considered one of the most influential magazines in the world, The New Yorker was founded in 1925 and is still going strong both in print and online.

And frankly, probably doesn’t need an introduction.

If you want to get creative writing quality fiction or poetry (feel free to add in a dose of humor) look no further than The New Yorker.

Interested? Here are their submission guidelines.

Rates: N/A.

Length: N/A.

17. Points in Case


If you’re creative, can make people laugh, and have some great comedic writing chops, Points in Case may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Founded in 1999, Points in Case is a daily literary humor publication, featuring guides, stories, observations, satire, open letters, and more.

“We’re looking for smart, irreverent, and eloquent comedy writing with personality or pizzazz…”

Got the goods? Give it a try.

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: $10 for lists, $35 for articles.

Length: Under 1,000 words.

18. Reader’s Digest

Entertaining readers since the 1920s, this half-pint magazine made the lives of so many tolerable while waiting for their names to be called in waiting rooms across the US.

But don’t let its size fool you: Reader’s Digest has a HUGE following, with creative, well-written, and hilarious content on topics such as food, humor, knowledge, home, and holidays.

And hey, they even have a feature written by freelancers including jokes, quotes, funny stories, and more.

Interested? Submit a joke or true funny story.

Rates: $25 for jokes, $100 for funny stories.

Length: N/A.

19. Salon


Salon is a news and opinion website publishing articles on national news and politics, culture and entertainment, current events, food, and science.

If independent journalism sounds intriguing to you, and you’ve always wanted to publish your point of view on a variety of topics, then Salon may be just right.

Interested? Check out their pitches, queries, and submission guidelines.

Rates: N/A.

Length: N/A.

20. Sasee


Sasee is a lifestyle magazine about women, for women. “Essays, humor, satire, personal experience, and features on topics relating to women” is their jam.

If it’s yours too, then maybe you should give Sasee a whirl…

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: Varied.

Length: 500 – 1,000 words.

21. Saturday Evening Post


For longevity, Saturday Evening Post may take the cake. They’ve been around since 1821 and are still going strong.

They’ve published work from some greats, including Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie, Ray Bradbury, and Kurt Vonnegut.

Think you’re worthy? You can submit for fiction, nonfiction, and even cartoons. Oh, and they have a dedicated humor section, too.

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: Varied.

Length: 1,000 – 5,000 words.

22. Skirt


Skirt “is a platform that celebrates women and all angles of life,” focusing on trends, events, self-care, and wellness.

If you have something to share and want to make an impact, Skirt could be a great publication to try out.

Interested? Here’s how to become a contributor.

Rates: N/A.

Length: 500 – 1,000 words.

23. Suddenly Senior


Do you have something to say about growing older in our society? Can you serve up humor and hope with real-life experiences?

Then maybe you have what it takes to write for “America’s most trusted senior citizen website,” Suddenly Senior.

This “‘zine takes a humorous look at geezers who’ve “become senior before their time.””

Interested? Visit their contact page.

Rates: N/A.

Length: N/A.

24. The American Bystander


Created in 2015, The American Bystander was created to fill a void as a new publication to print humor in the 21st Century.

It’s a haven for comedy writers.

With a slew of hilarious contributors such as Michael Ian Black, Jack Handey, and Todd Hanson, it’s no wonder The New York Times called it “an essential read for college nerds.”

In their own words, “what the world needs now is therapy on a species-wide scale-but until then, there’s The American Bystander.”

Doesn’t that sound like something to get behind?

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: Varies.

Length: N/A.

25. The Laugh Button


If you love stand-up comedy, you’ll love The Laugh Button. It was established as an outlet to showcase stand-up in 2006 but has since expanded into so much more, including podcasting, media partnerships, and live events.

If you love all things stand-up and comedy, then you’ll love this website and everything it stands for.

Interested? Check out the job board.

Rates: N/A.

Length: N/A.

26. The Rumpus


The Rumpus is an online literary and culture magazine. Founded in 2009, The Rumpus strives to be a “platform for risk-taking voices and writing that might not find a home elsewhere.”

Do you have some things to get off your chest, but you’re not sure where they fit in? Maybe you can find a home at The Rumpus.

They publish essays, fiction, poetry, book reviews, and more, so bring your A-game and get creative.

Interested? Here are their writer’s guidelines.

Rates: Varies by submission.

Length: Varies by submission.

27. Writer’s Digest


“Writers helping writers improve their craft, achieve their goals and recognize their dreams-since 1920,” Writer’s Digest is all about helping writers hone their craft.

If you’ve ever wanted to help people aspire to be the best version of themselves, while also perfecting your creative writing, then check out the various opportunities at Writer’s Digest.

Interested? Check out their submission guidelines.

Rates: Vary by submission type.

Length: 1,200 words and up.

6 More Ways to Put Your Comedy Writing Skills to Use

But hey, pitching blog owners and magazine editors isn’t the only way to put your comedy writing chops to the test.

Below are some other ways you can keep people laughing while cashing those checks.

  • Copywriter: Ads, social media, commercialsCopywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action. While it’s quite a bit different than blogging, if you enjoy writing, marketing, and comedy, this could be a lucrative freelance writing job for you to test out.
  • Ghostwriter: Articles, books, comedy sketches, blog posts, speeches – A ghostwriter writes something that’s credited to someone else. Books, blog posts, speeches, and more. So you may not get the credit, but it can be a great freelance job if you don’t care.
  • Guest poster on blogs – You write a content piece for someone else’s blog, often pay is minimal or non-existent, but it gives you an opportunity to get your name out there and backlink to your own blog or website, if you have one.
  • Screenwriter: TV, movies, YouTube, and other video platforms – Have you ever wanted to write screenplays for film, TV, or other visual mediums? Then dive into screenwriting.
  • Greeting card writer:  Can you come up with short, snappy, funny dialog that people would love to read? Look into greeting card writing.
  • Freelance Platforms: Seller of comedy writing skills on Fiverr, Upwork, Guru, and similar sites – If you’ve never thought of selling your freelance writing services on Fiverr (or the like), then you may be missing out. Sure you start out making a minimum, but do great work, get great feedback, and your rates can increase quickly.

Ready to Book Some Comedy Writing Jobs?

Do you see just how many great opportunities there are for a freelance comedy writer like yourself?

Whether you’re breaking into freelance comedy writing or are a seasoned comedy writer, the comedy writing jobs on this list are for you.

And either way, what better way to use your skills, have fun, and get paid?

Go through the list, choose a few you want to try out, and write your best pitch.

Oh, and don’t forget to keep this page bookmarked for future use.

The post 30+ Freelance Comedy Writing Jobs: Get Paid for Being Funny appeared first on Smart Blogger.

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