How to Get Investors to Give You Their Money ⭐ - AmazoUpdates


Sunday, October 11, 2020

How to Get Investors to Give You Their Money ⭐

Raising money can help you to grow faster—if that’s your goal. The following insights can help you run a successful fundraising process.

Don’t forget: you are in charge of your fundraising. Be assertive and say, ‘I’m taking the next few weeks to meet key investors and get to know them better. We don’t yet have a firm close date, but we expect it to be in the next three weeks.’

Learn how to raise a Series A (8 mins)…

When you start with the problem, you ground your business in a real-world context. You present your business as purposeful, urgent, and user-centered. But something else happens when you tell someone about a problem. It triggers a ‘solution reflex’: when people identify with problems, they instinctively want solutions. Activating the solution reflex is a powerful way to hold someone’s attention.

Learn the right order for your pitch (4 mins)…

Whether you agree with the advice or not, the smart move is to ask questions like, ‘Have you seen something like this before? I’d love to hear about a specific case.’ To end, you could say, ‘That’s a great idea — we’ve thought about this, but not enough,’ and jot it down in your notebook.

Learn how to charm investors (4 mins)…

The best updates showed me what was happening in the business, rather than telling me about it in large blocks of text. Visuals can drastically increase engagement, and they don’t have to take a lifetime to create.

Learn how to write emails to investors (7 mins)…

The scope of ‘minimal viable product’ tends to increase proportionally with the amount of money available. All too often, funded teams overcomplicate their products just because they can.

Learn how raising money can hurt you (4 mins)…

The fundraising campaign started with a few “no’s”, but not to worry; I was saving the more important VCs for later. Then, those VCs started saying no. Okay, so we’d just raise from angels. But the “no’s” didn’t stop there.
The realisation that we couldn’t raise the money wasn’t gradual. It hit me like a freight train one afternoon, and all I could think was, “What now?”

Learn 3 ways to get acquired (4 mins)…

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Best wishes,

P.S. For more on clarifying your narrative to investors, check this out.

How to Get Investors to Give You Their Money ⭐ was originally published in The Founder Coach on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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