How to Market Your Product Effectively ⭐ - AmazoUpdates


Sunday, September 27, 2020

How to Market Your Product Effectively ⭐

Marketing may seem like a dark art but there are rules that determine what succeeds and what doesn’t. Here are six ideas that will help you market your products more effectively.

Ask many companies about their marketing strategy, and they’ll list the same old channels: SEO, social media, PR, etc. However, since every startup is doing this, you’re not describing a strategy but a set of best practices — unless you have some competitive advantage that others don’t have. Best practices are what you should do the same as your competitors, while strategy is what you’ll do differently.

Learn how to market effectively (10 mins)…

Ask yourself who influences your customers? I’m not just talking about those people on Instagram who post selfies all day. Who already has access to your customer today and, if incentivised, could present your product to them on your behalf?Draw arrows to represent the strength of the relationship — the thicker the arrow, the stronger the influence.

Learn how to create marketing incentives (4 mins)…

Rather than focus on an objective issue — the duration of the journey — consider the subjective issue: it’s boring. It’s far cheaper to adjust the perception of the trip by making it entertaining than it is to fix the engineering issue.

Learn how to improve customer perception (6 mins)…

Sasha Strauss puts forward a simple recipe for building a powerful, long-term, market-impacting brand. What I love most about his recipe is how simple it is: ‘A brand is a combination of a topic that your audience is curious about, and a belief system that intersects with it.’

Learn how to define your brand (5 mins)…

A big part of training customers involves helping users get the product set up properly, and once that’s been achieved, the trainer can ask questions to help the customer get the most value from the product. I realised that an effective training session is virtually guaranteed to get a customer to their activation point.

Learn how to train customers (4 mins)…

I used to believe that effectively communicating a product required comprehensive knowledge of all the product’s features — and the entire business…
This is a flawed assumption. Someone with less understanding of how a product actually works is often better equipped to communicate what it does than someone stuck in the weeds.

Learn how to start marketing early (5 mins)…

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Best wishes,

How to Market Your Product Effectively ⭐ was originally published in The Founder Coach on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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